04 October, 2023

Maxar releases an enhanced HD algorithm to improve satellite imagery

Maxar has introduced the latest version of its High-Definition (HD) algorithm, known as HDv3.1. This update enhances the sharpness and clarity of visual content, thereby enabling more precise image analysis and feature recognition.

The new HD algorithm can be applied to any of Maxar's image offerings to generate either a 30cm HD product or a 15cm HD product, depending on the native resolution of the input images.

Geoimage can provide HD products in various formats, orthorectified with high accuracy and suited for your needs. Contact us today to find out more.

Key enhancements include: 

  • Prioritising image clarity, especially valuable for visualisation, mapping, and analysis purposes, the new HD algorithm significantly improves pixel clarity.
  • The updated HD algorithm achieves improved image sharpness and more pronounced feature outlines while maintaining a natural contrast.
  • HDv3.1 effectively reduces noise and pixelation that may be observed in darker or uniform areas within an image.
  • Faster processing time to get the data to you sooner, years of archive now available at 15cm HD resolution!

Below are a few examples of HDv3.1 compared with HDv3.0.

Comparisons of algorithm versions roof

Comparisons of algorithm versions buildings

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